Некоммерческое электронное интернет-издательство Финский залив (Sinus Finnicus - Gulf Of Finland - Suomenlahti)
SF. Aqueomorpha
Modern.Art.Club  //  Video

Helmut Eigenmann
Элегия / 19.06.12

Real 100% water "living" beings: "Aqueomorpha"

Real small „living beings" made 100% of water, illuminated by a projection lamp. Light projection. Art installation.

How to create small water bodies which are moving and behaving like elementary living beings. Water is the origin of life. The „water beings" are moving on a multilayer transparent surface. Thanks to a projection lamp the images of the « water beings » are shown on a translucent screen right above them.


First shown at: Phaeno Museum, Wolfsburg, Germany, May 2010.

Music: the Swan lake (Tchaikovsky) is played by wetting glass with a veil of water. Performer: Robert Tiso, glass harp.

Знаменитый музыкант Роберт Тисо исполняет классические произведения извлекая чудные звуки из бокалов с водой. Не один другой инструмент не может так волшебно передать мелодии классиков.

Robert Tiso was born in London in 1968 and spent most of his life in Italy where he still lives. His musical education started at the age of 15 studying classical guitar and ever since has evolved in many directions. He studied music theory, composition and sound engineering with Paolo Marzocchi and has participated in some of his projects.

His interest for glass music began in 2000 when he was musical director of a theatre production for which he created and played his first glass harp. Since then part of his artistic motivation has been spent mastering and evolving this instrument.
He performs a wide selection of classical masterpieces, all especially arranged for the glass harp so the audience can fully appreciate the magical sounds of this intriguing instrument and its outstanding possibilities.
Robert Tiso has played for many music and art festivals, theatre shows, schools, educational programmes, cultural events, museums, private parties, TV and radio broadcasts and several events related to glass and water, the fundamental elements of his music.
  2012-06-20 10:20:00
  S.F. :
Потрясающие кадры и потрясающие звуки "поющих" бокалов.
Сочетание завораживает!...
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